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Bangun generasi kreatif ,inovatif dan islami untuk peradaban dunia

Yayasan Miftahu Nuril Akhlaq merupakan sebuah lembaga independen yang berkolaborasi dalam dunia pendidikan, sosial dan keagamaan.melalui perjalanan kami terus menciptakan ekosistem lembaga pendidikan ,sosial dan keagamaan yang menjadi tantangan global. 

Our Impact

YAYASAN MIFTAHU NURIL AKHLAQ adalah sebuah lembaga  yang berdedikasi untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia. Kami percaya bahwa setiap anak berhak mendapatkan pendidikan yang berkualitas, terlepas dari latar belakang sosial ekonomi mereka.

Unit usaha yang terintegrasi dengan sistem pendidikan

Unit usaha yang terintegrasi dengan sistem pendidikan

+3000 Alumni kami yang tersebar di seluruh indonesia

+3000 Alumni kami yang tersebar di seluruh indonesia

3 Unit lembaga formal dan non formal

3 Unit lembaga formal dan non formal

Icon label

Our Progress

We continue to raise funds in the global movement of generosity to help communities and families survive the pandemic.


Guru dan Staff 

Kami mempunyai guru dan staff yang  profesional.


Lapangan Kerja

Lulusan – lulusan kami telah aktif bekerja di berbagai instansi dan perusahaan.



Siswa dan sisi kami berasal dari daerah-daerah yang di indonesia

Projects through People

Working hand-in-hand to make a better world for our future generations to come, from one person to another.

With your financial support, we can send hundreds of children to school allowing them access to more opportunities.

Education support for Children within their community

With your financial support, we can send hundreds of children to school allowing them access to more opportunities.
Sometimes you want to go beyond the “basics” to give your sponsored family additional opportunity and support.

Give to your Sponsored Child and their Families

Sometimes you want to go beyond the “basics” to give your sponsored family additional opportunity and support.
There are a number of ways you can volunteer with Foundation. Be a part of the change!

Volunteer Opportunities! Enrich the lives of the community

There are a number of ways you can volunteer with Foundation. Be a part of the change!

Join a global movement

In the midst of the pandemic, hundreds of children and their families lost access to their basic needs. With your generosity, we can help these communities survive the pandemic. Your support will give them access to food, clean water, clothing and masks.

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Our Partners

Our Partners in making the world a better place.
